More than two years of innovation and collaboration

Great partners like Airstrip were essential to creating platforms that serve diffe...">

Works > Airfluencers


More than two years of innovation and collaboration

Great partners like Airstrip were essential to creating platforms that serve different brands and agencies in various market verticals. Our work with Airstrip spans Tribeca's complete end-to-end capabilities, from strategy, design, and site ideation to launching the most comprehensive Digital Influencer platform. Our goal has always been to help Airstrip develop innovative ways to engage audiences on the platform. Check below some images of the platform also available on the Airfluencers website.

Mais detalhes

While it is far from confirmation that the Airfluencers platform is on its way to conquering the world, version 2.0 and the new website still being implemented will bear great fruit for the most remarkable Digital Influencers platform on the market. The update comes after great results and feedback from its customers. Even so, the new design is of good appearance and helps hundreds of users to navigate the platform; it works in a simple and fast way, making the search and analysis for the ideal Influencer, and the management of campaigns with them, a total autonomy of the users.
Tecnologia Python, Django, HTML5, CSS




User experience generating results

We create amazing digital experiences that bring people and brands. We bring what is most modern for our customers, regardless of size, our goal is the quality and the user experience.

O conceito de Experiência do Usuário (UX, do inglês “user experience”) é empregado para definir o nível de satisfação geral dos usuários que utilizaram um produto, serviço ou sistema. Ou seja, está diretamente ligado aos sentimentos que foram provocados ou proporcionados enquanto a pessoa fazia uso deste produto, serviço ou sistema.

Confira em nosso blog 6 dicas para melhorar a experiência do usuário (UX) no seu site