The new Rock Film's Premium Automotive Store website was developed to give authority on Google at the great ABC region as a premium film store. The site was built from scratch, from domain registration to content production by our team. The website has a Leads manager and was designed to provide the best experience between the user and the store's products. Today it already appears in the first positions of Google's organic search, thus achieving one of the objectives defined during its planning.
Tecnologia | Python, Django, HTML5, CSS3 |
Site | |
We create amazing digital experiences that bring people and brands. We bring what is most modern for our customers, regardless of size, our goal is the quality and the user experience.
O conceito de Experiência do Usuário (UX, do inglês “user experience”) é empregado para definir o nível de satisfação geral dos usuários que utilizaram um produto, serviço ou sistema. Ou seja, está diretamente ligado aos sentimentos que foram provocados ou proporcionados enquanto a pessoa fazia uso deste produto, serviço ou sistema.
Confira em nosso blog 6 dicas para melhorar a experiência do usuário (UX) no seu site